Learning an Instrument...
Below are our articles on the subject of Learning an Instrument. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Beginner's Teething Troubles
When you begin to learn an instrument, it can be frustrating, and there are problems you’ll face, physical and mental. This will help you through them....

Buying A Secondhand Instrument
Buying a secondhand instrument can be tricky. But these guidelines will help you purchase a good one....

Choosing Your Instrument
Once you've decided what you want to play, choosing which instrument to buy can be difficult. This guide gives some pointers to make the process easier for you....

How to Be a DJ
The DJ is a major feature of music these days - clubs couldn't function without him. Here's how it's done....

How to Play Brass Instruments
Learning to play brass isn't easy. But this guide will give you a start on mastering brass instruments....

How to Play Drums and Percussion
Want to play the drums? This guide can give you a flying start....

How to Play Electric Bass
The bass guitar is the underpinning of almost every group. This guide helps you get started on playing....

How to Play Guitar
The basics of the guitar are easy to learn. This guide will help you master them....

How to Play Strings
The stringed instruments aren't easy to play, and take some work to master. This guide will help you start....

How To Play The Harmonica
The harmonica is one of the easiest instruments to learn, but even so, don’t expect to be an instant star....

How to Play The Keyboard
The piano used to be a fixture in many households. These days more people use electronic keyboards. Whichever you choose, the basics are quite easy to master....

How to Play Woodwind
The woodwind instruments make music closest to the sound of the human voice. This guide will help you begin on the woodwinds....

How to Read Music
Learning to read music can seem daunting. But it's fairly easy and can double your enjoyment of music....

Looking After Your Instrument
Buying your instrument is just the first step. Like anything else, they need to be looked after....

Making Progress
Sometimes it can seem hard to gauge your progress on an instrument. These ideas will help you see how far you've come....

Practising Your Instrument
Practice is vital when learning an instrument. Teaching can show you how, but the real learning comes with daily practice....

Programming Your Music CD
You might not even realise it, but there's programming on most of the CDs you hear....

Taking Up a New Instrument
If you already play an instrument, learning another can widen your scope and enjoyment of music....

Taking Up a New Instrument as an Adult
Taking up a new instrument when you already play one can be very challenging – but you need to approach it as a novice....