Home > Music Qualifications

Music Qualifications...

Below are our articles on the subject of Music Qualifications. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Finding Sheet Music & Music Books
Finding Sheet Music & Music Books
You need sheet music to play from, but where do you find it. This will give you some tips....
Folk Music Degree
Folk Music Degree
These days aspiring folk musicians can obtain a degree in folk and traditional music....
Going Further - Music College and University
Going Further - Music College and University
If you want to do more with music, you can take a degree at Music College or university. But what can you do with that piece of paper?...
What Qualifications Should a Teacher Have?
What Qualifications Should a Teacher Have?
Most music teachers will have qualifications of different sorts. But what do they mean?...